Spa Treatment For Your Hair

There is nothing that helps a tired body rejuvenate like a spa treatment! It helps you relax, repair and refresh yourself to get back to your game. Well, the same rules apply for your hair too! Nothing gets life back into dull, listless and undernourished hair like a good hair spa treatment. A hair spa treatment can help your hair restore its good health and make it strong, bouncy and shiny while repairing the damage caused by dryness or dandruff. It can even help reduce hair fall to a large extent. Today, we enlist for you the benefits that a hair spa treatment can provide.

Hair care

Benefits of a hair spa treatment:
• Conditions your scalp, while leaving it free from chemicals and pollutants, which seep into the hair from air pollution and products.
• Helps you deal with various hair related problems such as dandruff, dry hair, split ends, hair fall
• The hair spa treatment helps normalize oil secretions and also stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, helping to repair the damage caused by dryness.
• The treatment works on the roots of the hair, helping you have healthier well-nourished hair. It also eliminates knotting, dryness and matting.

How it works:
• The hair spa treatment begins with shampooing the hair to cleanse it. This step is the first and most important as it determines the course of your spa treatment. If you are looking at doing the spa treatment at home, make sure you use a shampoo most suitable to your hair type. For example, if you have straight hair, using a shampoo, can help you lock your hair into perfect straightness right before you begin to deep condition it, making your treatment more effective!

• The next step is massaging it. If you are getting a salon treatment, there will be specific products that are used during the treatment depending on the challenge you are looking at addressing. At home, you could massage it with oil, in order to condition and nourish your hair

• Rinsing and then conditioning your hair follows next. You can choose a conditioner based on your hair type. For example if you have straight hair, you can use a range of shampoos and conditioners, to find your hair at its straightest best at the end of the treatment! You can even try homemade conditioners using ingredients available in your kitchen. For instance you can use egg and honey, or vinegar and mayonnaise to condition and nourish your hair.

So the next time you feel tired and feel like a massage, just remember to treat your hair to one too, and give it the spa treatment that it truly needs! Have a happy hair day!

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Worthy Hair Routines To Try

Haircare, top tips, natural hair care, home made hair care, dandruff, hair fall, Lao Fo Ye, laofoye, Singapore, Asia, Asian, Asian Beauties, Chinese, What is, where is, how to, what is, best way, current, update, latest

Are you tired of watching your comb get full of your hair? Does it break heart to see your dry, fuzzy hair having split ends? Care for damaged hair can turn out to be very expensive and a single visit to a doctor can cost too much. Accept it- no one likes going to a doctor. Then how to take care of damaged hair? One might ask. The answer is quite simple; you don’t need to be an expert to take care of your damaged hair. Knowing the right tips can help decrease hair damage.Kriya Hot In Saree

First thing first; what causes hair damage? Without knowing the basic cause, you can’t solve any problem. Hair damage occurs due to:

  1.     Too much exposure to environmental pollutants like smoke from vehicles, dust etc.
  2.     Too much exposure to sunlight.
  3.     Poor hygiene of scalp and hair.
  4.     Inadequate nutrition.
  5.     Use of hair care products having harmful chemicals.
  6.     Excessive use of hair colors, hair straightness or excessive styling.

Hair care tips for damaged hair

The second question that would definitely pop into your mind is “How to take care of damaged hair?” The answer lies in knowing simple tips for your damaged hair. Following are some important tips that can help your damaged hair:
Choose a good shampoo

The first thing that you can do for your damaged hair is to change your shampoo. Ordinary shampoos are enough to repair extensive hair damage. You should rather choose a shampoo which contains extra hair growth proteins and humectants. So, the key is to read the labels before you buy any products for your damaged hair.
Eat healthy
hair care tips for damaged hair

Damaged hair can be repaired. The only need is proper guideline which could help to recover the damage in a cost effective yet quick manner

One of the basic reasons causing hair damage is protein deficiency. Proteins and amino acids are critical for normal growth of hair. So, get a protein boost in your diet. Another important thing is folic acid. It’s a vitamin which causes hair growth and maintains health of the scalp. So, add extra folic acid in your diet or you can also eat some folic acid supplements.
Shampoo your hair once a week asian-actress-8

Excessive shampooing is one of the most important culprits of damaged hair. Too much shampooing makes your hair lose their essential oils. It further damages the hair. So, the key is to wash your hair once a week. Use a conditioner in place of shampoo. Apply the conditioner generously, leave it for some time and then wash it with water.
Get hair cuts

Get haircuts more frequently. After you cut your damaged, dry, fuzzy hair and split ends, usually these hairs are replaced by healthier and less brittle hair. Get ½ inch haircut every 8 weeks or so.
Avoid hair dryer and hot irons

Try to avoid hair dryers and hot irons as much as possible. These products leave your hair permanently damaged and fuzzy. You should try rollers in place of hair strengtheners and hot irons.
Use olive oil and vinegar

It’s one of the most effective tips to help your damaged hair. Apply olive oil over your hair and scalp, cover your hair with towel and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with vinegar oil. This tip has got dual actions. First, the olive oil will help give your hair a luster and vinegar will help fight dandruff.
Hot oil massage

Hot oil massage can be very effective in improving the growth of your hair. You can use Luke warm mustard or olive oil. Gentle massage can provide your scalp with essential nutrients and can help improve the blood supply to the scalp, resulting in better hair growth.
Apply egg

It sounds gross but egg proteins help regain the natural strength and shine of hair. Separate egg white from yolk and add water and honey in it. You can also add yogurt in place of water. Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.
Apply mayonnaise

One might get skeptic about the effectiveness of this method and ask; “how can mayonnaise help take care of damaged hair?” But, trust me- this method really works. Apply mayonnaise generously and leave them for 10-15 before rinsing.
Hair care routine for damaged hair

A natural question that comes to mind; “What routine measures should I take to care of my damaged hair?” Following are some routine hair care tips for damaged hair:

Understanding your hair and scalp type is the first step towards recovering from hair damage because this way you can know the basic cause of hair damage and can choose a way to decrease hair damage accordingly. For example if your hair is dry then you need to increase the use of oils. If hair styling is the cause then you’ve to give up the use of hot irons.

  •     Eat a balanced diet containing food derived from vegetables, milk or milk sources and meat.
  •     Choose hair conditioners and shampoos which best suit your hair type. Try to choose those products which have least amount of harmful chemicals in them.
  •     Don’t just dry your hair after washing. Apply some conditioners. It helps the hair retain their natural oils.
  •     Tie up your hair before you go to sleep.
  •     Try to cover your hair when you go outside. This is a critical in damaged hair care.
  •     Give yourself regular scalp massages.
  •     Using statin pillows can help reduce hair damage.
  •     Wash your hair regularly but don’t shampoo them regularly. Regular shampooing worsens the hair damage. Shampoo your hair after 5-7 days or so.
  •     Use hot blows to dry your hair. In this case, you can also use some heat protection products.

So, knowing the appropriate tips for the care of damaged hair can help a lot in recovering the natural health of scalp hair. These tips are cost effective and produce maximum results in a natural manner.

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Beer For Hair

Beer for Hair

Beer is good for your hair. Its vitamin B and natural sugar content add volume and help your hair to shine. Chamomile is renowned for being a hair highlighting agent, and for blond hair, it can even improve the blond shine and cut through the brassiness of color treated hair.

Combine the two ingredients out of your pantry and you gain your own all-natural color lightening conditioner that will leave your hair shiny, thicker, and softer.


  1. Shampoo as usual. Have the beer and chamomile tea already assembled and ready for use.

    • Always do a cold water rinse because this seals the hair shaft and makes your hair shiny. It also helps to prevent split-ends and tearing of the hair.
  2. Pour the pint (475ml) of beer slowly through your hair.

  3. Rinse with cool (not freezing) or lukewarm water. Make sure to get all of the beer out of your hair.

  4. Take the pre-made chamomile tea and pour it slowly through your hair. This will disguise any remaining beer smell and will also lighten and condition your hair. Let it sit for a few minutes.

  5. Rinse out the tea with cool water. Dry as usual. You should notice a softer, more highlighted difference to your hair.

  • Chamomile tea will change the color of your hair with repeated use. It will lighten hair, adding highlights or a blonder appearance.
  • It is important that you don’t use really warm to hot water when rinsing out the beer and the chamomile tea. If the water is too warm or hot, you won’t see any benefits from this recipe.
  • Chamomile can also lighten dark hair, or at least bring out lighter highlights.


  • Use care doing this if you have already colored, straightened or permed your hair. Perhaps do a small test patch first. However, chamomile tea should be fine for dyed blond hair.
  • If you have allergies to chamomile or beer, avoid the ingredient. The recipe can still work using only one of the ingredients if need be.


Things You’ll Need

  • 1 pint (475ml) of beer (any cheap beer, even stale beer will do)
  • 1 cup chamomile tea that has been boiled and cooled


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Hair Care Tips: Dull Hair

Adding Polish to Dull Hair

The biggest difference between the average woman’s hair and the hair you see in the fashion and beauty magazines is the way it shines. Those magazine images always feature long locks of shiny hair that seem to glow with a light all of its own. It can leave you feeling that you’ll never have hair that looks like that. Well, the first thing to remember is that unless you are a model and regularly have your hair photographed under professionally-set lighting, the level of shine and glow seen in magazine photos is not likely to become part of your daily life. dull hair 1

This doesn’t mean that you can’t make your hair appear shinier and healthier. It means that you have to remember which are real and which are special effects. Dull hair looks less healthy, and absorbs light rather than reflecting it. It can also make the color appear lifeless and leave you feeling that your hair is unappealing, when in fact it can be beautiful with just a few simple tips.

There are many causes of dull-looking hair – chemical damage, heat styling damage, improper styling techniques, and even environmental soils and stresses. Fortunately, there are a lot of tricks and tips to make the hair look shiny again. Here are some simple ways to make your hair look shinier:

Cool Rinses

We know from previous discussion that heat and moisture affect the shape of the hair shaft and that heat can cause the hair shaft to swell and the cuticle to open up. An open cuticle reflects light less effectively and can leave the hair looking especially dull.

Yet one of the easiest ways to restore shine to the hair is by rinsing it in cool water. You don’t need to endure a cold shower to get the benefits, either. Simply remember at the end of your shower to switch the water to cold and chill your hair under the spray. The cold water helps the hair shaft contract and the cuticle close up. This leaves the hair looking smoother, shinier and more light-reflective.

Just remember not to undo the benefits of the cold rinse by roughing up the hair while drying it. Squeeze the hair in the folds of a towel to remove excess water, and pat the hair at the scalp.

Natural Rinses

There are also natural products that can be used to give the hair a little added “oomph” when it comes to shining the hair. The cold water rinse is great, but there are other simple techniques that can make a big difference as well. One such trick is to use vinegar as a finishing rinse after shampooing and conditioning the hair.

You can add ½-1 cup of white vinegar to a gallon of cool water and pour that over your freshly washed and conditioned hair before you leave the shower. The vinegar is acidic, and works to counter the slight alkalinity of the shampoo and conditioner products. This helps to tighten the cuticle layer of the hair and makes the hair look shinier and healthier in the process.

Shampoo Choices

The correct shampoo for your hair goals is another key element to making the hair appear shinier. Dry hair tends to appear dull, so be sure to use a shampoo that will add moisture and clean gently. Follow it up with a moisture rich conditioner and you can soon see dramatic results in the healthy look of your hair. Fortunately, modern advances in hair care products has brought us a wide range of shampoos from many makers that are geared toward improving shine by smoothing the cuticle layer and helping to maintain a smooth and silky look in the hair.

Your After-Care for Colored Hair

After-Care for Colored or Chemically-Treated Hair

       I often get approached by women who have had color treatments, permed hair, or straightening services and want to know the best way to care for their chemically-treated hair in order to restore its condition and preserve the new style or color. Naturally, I always suggest that the individual follow any and all instructions given them by their stylists, but in some cases, the individual has performed services herself and needs the advice. So, here is some basic care advice for the most common chemical services.

After-Color Care

hair models with colored hair       As with any chemical service, the components used in the hair coloring process can leave the hair more porous than it was prior to coloring the hair. This is because the alkaline products used to allow the color to penetrate the hair shaft, and deposit the color, do so by lifting the cuticle layer of the hair. While the processes are generally designed to be as gentle to the hair as possible, while still being effective, the results are still that the hair is typically swelled and the cuticle raised by the processing.

This means that while the hair is made better able to accept the deposited color, it is also more likely to lose moisture and can slowly lose the added color unless care is taken to reseal the cuticle.

This means that after you’ve colored your hair, you should take care to use a good moisturizing cream conditioner. This will help to maintain the hair’s moisture level, and will help to smooth the cuticle layer and ease any problems with porosity. This is especially true if you have used a high-lift color or bleaching agents to lighten the hair.

Additionally, if you have chosen a hair color that is particularly vibrant, such as many red shades or golden blondes, you will want to use a color-enhancing/color-preserving shampoo and conditioner formula in order to help keep your haircolor looking as rich as possible for as long as possible. Under normal circumstances, most of the more vibrant hair colors will gradually fade somewhat after regular shampooing and environmental stresses.

For most color-treated hair, I recommend a weekly deep conditioning treatment, in order to help rehydrate the hair and restore any moisture that may be lost during the week’s styling.

After-Texture Services

Chemical Texture Services, such as chemical straightening and permanent wave services can be even harsher on the hair than some color services, and therefore require that the individual take special care of her hair afterward. The chemical services definitely leave the hair in a much more porous state and the hair must be well-conditioned to keep it healthy and manageable.

In the case of some over-stressed hair, where there are signs of damage, you will need to use a protein-rich conditioner in order to help restore the strength and integrity of the hair while adding in much-needed moisture. Furthermore, since the hair’s cuticle layer is usually raised and left open by the chemical processing, you need to make sure to use a good smoothing serum, which will coat the hair shaft and help to smooth and seal the cuticle layer to hold in moisture and allow the hair to retain a smooth and silky feel.

When the hair is dirty, you need to shampoo it with a very gentle, moisturizing shampoo, and always follow it up with a hydrating conditioner. Remember, that you only need to shampoo the hair when it becomes soiled, in most cases, you can simply use a rinse-through conditioner to remove the amount of soil that accumulates on the hair on a daily basis. This serves the dual purpose of hydrating the hair and refreshing it.

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Natural Treatments For Hair

Did mum ever tell you that rinsing your hair in vodka will give it amazing shine? Or that dousing your locks in stale beer would make them luscious (not just make you smell like a brewery)? Hair experts say that raiding the kitchen cupboards and going back to nature – using items such as avocado, egg, lemon juice and natural oils – can help you discover that extra oomph factor and save you money.

Natural Treatments For Hair
David Salinger, director of the International Association of Trichologists, says there are lots of easy things to try if you’re after naturally gorgeous hair. One old wives’ tale suggests putting a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda on dry hair before washing reduces product build-up. However, Salinger recommends trying lemon juice instead. “Rinsing in water with a few drops of lemon juice makes it slightly acidic – just like the pH of shop-bought hair conditioners. This closes down and flattens out the outside cuticle layer of the hair, giving a shinier appearance.”
So, is it true what they say about stale beer being a miracle hair treatment? Seems like it’s worth a try if you have unruly hair, adds Salinger: “Stale beer was used in hairdressing salons years ago as a styling agent, as a setting lotion for a roller set, to give the hair texture, bounce and body – the same way we use mousse and other products in the hair today to give the hair texture and body, and to stop it from being too soft and fly-away.”
Want another use for that advocaat liqueur you have stashed away? Then try dousing your hair with it. “Vodka would dry the hair out because of the alcohol content,” says Salinger. “Advocaat is better because of the egg in it, which will supply protein to the hair. Apply as a treatment, leave on for a few minutes and rinse out thoroughly before drying the hair.”
Salinger says the benefits of using oils are to give shine and reduce resistance when you comb. “Neem oil and tea-tree oil are good antiseptics for the scalp. Almond oil is one of the better oils to apply to the hair and scalp, as it doesn’t go rancid like many others do. Coconut oil is also good as a conditioning agent, and olive oil gives the hair a good shine.”

Beauty myth: mayonnaise makes your hair sleek and glossy

You’d think the ingredients in mayonnaise – including eggs, lemon juice and oil – would help condition hair. However, applying mayonnaise directly to your hair is a messy, smelly process that is not worth the unconfirmed benefi ts. No scientifi c evidence exists to justify using this sandwich staple for sleek hair; it is diffi cult to rinse out and just leaves your locks feeling heavy. Treating your hair with mayonnaise is effective only if you have head lice, as the mixture suffocates them. For healthy, shiny hair, eat a well-balanced diet that is high in omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, found in nuts, avocado and olive oil. Quality fats will help you maintain healthy, glowing skin and shiny, soft hair from the inside out – without the smelly, sticky residue!

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Taking Care On Your Hair: The Best Way

There is really no way to repair split ends. You can get rid of them only by getting a hair cut. It is far better to find the right hair product and keep your hair healthy. Otherwise, grab the scissors.

Cut Your Hair and It Will Grow Faster

Sorry, this is also a myth. Normally our hair grows about ¼ inch a month, give or take a bit. You can give that a boost by eating a lot of protein, maybe sprout ½ inch monthly. But, cutting your hair does not cause it to grow faster.

Taking Care On Your Hair The Best Way

Your Hair Will Grow Back Thicker Where You Shave

Shaving has no effect on the texture of hair. Because shaved hair lacks the fine taper found on the ends of unshaven hair, it can appear to be coarser, but it’s not. In addition, new hair has not been exposed to the sun as long so it appears darker than the older hair. This can add to the illusion of being coarse.

Pull Out One Hair and 3 Will Grow Back

Boy, if that were true, a lot of thin hair people would be yanking away. There are three parts to a strand of hair. One is the hair shaft or the fiber, the hair bulb or the root, and the third is the cycle or time of growing and resting. That’s it. Plucking out, for instance, that gray hair is not going to cause 3 more to grow back. Nor will it help grow

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How to Care for Hair Damaged After Vacation

UV Rays in summer is scarier than biting wind in winter!

UV rays in summer are harmful to skin but they are also fatal to hair and scalp. Strong UV rays destroy cuticle and melanin that are responsible for protecting hair. Therefore, once they are destroyed, the color of hair changes. Moreover, the trouble gets worsen if one enjoyed vacation at ocean or swimming pool. Sodium from ocean and chlorine in swimming pool take moisture away from hair so it gets dried and crispy.
Replenish moisture and nutrition to hair and scalp! 
hair tips for damage after vacation
Just like one needs to eat something when hungry, hair needs to be provided with enough moisture and nutrition after vacation, or otherwise, the condition will stay the same for a long time. Before washing hair, it is recommended to apply treatment oil and massage. Also, when washing hair, using moisturizing pack or treatment is needed and drying with cold air is advisable. Applying hair essence before drying will provide even better effect.

However, most of the products that are sold at stores include silicon ingredient for one-time effect. Silicon ingredient disturbs providing nutrient so if one wants to experience real nutrition, it is recommended to choose a product made out of all-natural ingredients. They will quickly be absorbed to hair and provide enough nutrition.
Do home care for at least 2~3 weeks! 
Just like skin, hair also needs consecutive care to heal. Rather than getting expensive cares at salon, it is much better to do home care in long-term with great products. It may be tiresome but in a long-view, the effect is guaranteed.

Hairstyle Tutorial: The Double Bun for Curly Hair


Twist the front of your hair back. If you have a fringe / bangs, you can leave them loose or twist them back  Hair-Romance-The-Double-Bun-Hair-Tutorial-in-curly-hairinto the hairstyle. I like to keep a little height at the front of this hairstyle, so you can backcomb your hair if you want more height.

  1. Section your hair for the first bun. Gather approximately half your hair at the back of your head. For longer hair or thick hair, your can secure this section with a hair elastic for added hold.
  2. Twist the section around to form a bun. Secure the bun with bobby pins or hair pins.
  3. Repeat with the rest of your hair, twist it up and around into a bun. Pin in place with bobby pins. If you have thick or long hair, remember you can secure it in a ponytail for extra hold.

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Healthy Hair Guide: On Shower

In the Shower

Go natural. “All shampoos contain cleansers,” explains Christyn Nawrot, a regional educator for Phyto. But those with naturally derived cleansers are less apt to rob your hair of vital oils. (Phyto, Lavett & Chin, Ojon and Aveda use natural cleansers in all of their shampoos.)  Woman showering

Use products properly. For maximum benefits, before applying shampoo or conditioner, emulsify them in your hands. Then massage onto roots (where hair is most porous), crown and finally, down sides of hair.

Don’t overwash. “Shampooing every day is drying to your hair and scalp,” says Rodney Groves, a stylist at the Vartali salon in New York City. Instead, aim for two to three times a week – and on off days, rinse with water and condition only your ends.

Do deep-condition. “If you heat-style regularly, you must deep-condition once a week,” says Caroline Greyl, president of the hair-care company Leonor Greyl. If your hair is very damaged, try using a concentrated hair mask in place of your daily conditioner (from midshaft down), suggests Eva Scrivo of the eponymous New York City salon.

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