Make Your Curly Hair Shiny!

If you are a girl with curls then you certainly know how to rock and roll at a party or tame those curls at your workplace. However, the one place that the curls may get the better of you is when you want to turn on the shine. Yes, shiny curly hair remains but a distant dream for most curly haired girls. And this while their straight haired counterparts seem to don shiny hair with little or even no effort! That’s because curly hair tends to get dry faster than straight hair, and also has rougher cuticles making it challenging to shine on!laofoye

But there’s no reason to let you dull hair make you feel gloomy. You can make your hair shiny and smooth despite the curls with just a little help from us!

  1. Wash it right: Using the right shampoo and conditioner to lock in the shine can ease half your woes. Shampoo and conditioner can work as great tools to helps lock in the moisture while retaining shine in your hair. Curly hair tends to get dry quicker than straight hair, as the cuticles are not flat so in addition to using the right products opt for a deep conditioning treatment once a week. You can also alternate with a UV protecting leave in conditioner for maximum shine. One more thing, don’t shampoo your hair more than 3 – 4 times a week for bets results.
  2. Color with care:Yes, coloring your hair can add an instant gloss and shine. However you must take caution with the color you choose, as many colors can leave your hair looking duller than before. For curly hair, warmer colors in the shade of browns and brunettes work best. You can even try you hand at deeper shades of red, to make your mane glisten with health. Semi-permanent color will also make your hair look shinier than permanent colors, which can be more drying and damaging.
  3. Style for shine: Styling curly hair is no easy feat. However, if you do it right, it can make your look glossy and healthy all day long. While blow-drying your hair, remember to use a round brush instead of a flat one, which is especially good for curly hair, and finish off your styling with a cold blast, as this will help seal your cuticles.

Remember, just because you have curly hair you don’t have to get all tangled up about it. Just follow these simple shine solutions and watch heads turn as you turn the glam on!

Article sourced via: Can curly hair be shiny?

Spa Treatment For Your Hair

There is nothing that helps a tired body rejuvenate like a spa treatment! It helps you relax, repair and refresh yourself to get back to your game. Well, the same rules apply for your hair too! Nothing gets life back into dull, listless and undernourished hair like a good hair spa treatment. A hair spa treatment can help your hair restore its good health and make it strong, bouncy and shiny while repairing the damage caused by dryness or dandruff. It can even help reduce hair fall to a large extent. Today, we enlist for you the benefits that a hair spa treatment can provide.

Hair care

Benefits of a hair spa treatment:
• Conditions your scalp, while leaving it free from chemicals and pollutants, which seep into the hair from air pollution and products.
• Helps you deal with various hair related problems such as dandruff, dry hair, split ends, hair fall
• The hair spa treatment helps normalize oil secretions and also stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, helping to repair the damage caused by dryness.
• The treatment works on the roots of the hair, helping you have healthier well-nourished hair. It also eliminates knotting, dryness and matting.

How it works:
• The hair spa treatment begins with shampooing the hair to cleanse it. This step is the first and most important as it determines the course of your spa treatment. If you are looking at doing the spa treatment at home, make sure you use a shampoo most suitable to your hair type. For example, if you have straight hair, using a shampoo, can help you lock your hair into perfect straightness right before you begin to deep condition it, making your treatment more effective!

• The next step is massaging it. If you are getting a salon treatment, there will be specific products that are used during the treatment depending on the challenge you are looking at addressing. At home, you could massage it with oil, in order to condition and nourish your hair

• Rinsing and then conditioning your hair follows next. You can choose a conditioner based on your hair type. For example if you have straight hair, you can use a range of shampoos and conditioners, to find your hair at its straightest best at the end of the treatment! You can even try homemade conditioners using ingredients available in your kitchen. For instance you can use egg and honey, or vinegar and mayonnaise to condition and nourish your hair.

So the next time you feel tired and feel like a massage, just remember to treat your hair to one too, and give it the spa treatment that it truly needs! Have a happy hair day!

Article sourced via:  A spa treat for your hair

Hair Loss And Coping

Types of hair loss, Hairloss, haircare, homemade, laofoye, Singapore, Best Hair Care Centre, Best in Asia, Hairloss and coping

Losing your crowning glory can be particularly difficult for women. But there are ways to cope.

Losing your hair as a woman, especially if you’re young or at a vulnerable time in your life, can be a catastrophic experience.

Jackie McKillop, Alopecia UK spokesperson and junior nursing sister at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, says society considers hair to be an important part of how you look: Types of hair loss, Hairloss, haircare, homemade, laofoye, Singapore, Best Hair Care Centre, Best in Asia, Hairloss and coping

“For women, there is a social stigma attached to going bald,” she says. “Hair loss can affect your sensuality and how you perceive yourself.” There are usually emotional trials and tribulations when it happens.

“Some women question whether their partner will still love them, while I’ve known others become socially reclusive and give up enjoyable activities like swimming and going to the gym because they can’t bear using the communal changing rooms for fear of their hair loss being discovered.”

An estimated 8 million women in the UK have hair loss (medically known as alopecia), and it can lead to loss of self-confidence and heightened self-consciousness.

Hair loss is a well-known side effect of chemotherapy, and around 50% of women lose more hair than usual after they’ve given birth.

Hair loss treatments

Jackie, who has herself lost all her hair, says it can help to address the physical aspects of hair loss. Try to find out everything you can about hair loss and the treatment options available to you.
A proven treatment for female-pattern baldness is a hair lotion containing minoxidil. After using it, most women see improvements, including a stop to or slowing of the balding, as well as thicker hair.
Up to 25% of women experience hair regrowth while using it.

Always contact your GP or dermatologist for advice before starting or finishing any treatments or medication for alopecia.

Find out about the causes of hair loss and what effective hair loss treatments are available.

Ways to cope with hair loss

It’s also important to address the psychological impact of hair loss. If you’ve lost your hair, even temporarily, life will be easier if you can accept what’s happened and learn to live with your altered appearance.

“How well you cope with looking at yourself in the mirror depends on your coping strategies, personality, self-esteem and the support around you” says Jackie. “It’s really important to try to promote positivity in your life.”

Here are some useful self-help tips:

Share stories: It helps to know you’re not alone. Watch this video of a woman’s personal experience of alopecia, read this real-life story of Michelle Chapman who was diagnosed with alopecia when she was five, then read the comments at the end of this article to see how others cope.

Join a support group: There are a variety of groups around the country where you can meet and socialise with other people with alopecia. Find your nearest Alopecia UK support group.

Accept it: It’s not easy, but try to come to terms with your hair loss. One way to do this is to make a list of all your good qualities and focus your energy on celebrating these attributes.

Talk about it: Discuss your hair loss with your friends, family and loved ones, preferably early on. Let them know how you feel about it and what kind of support you need. If hair loss is affecting your relationship with your partner, going to therapy or couples counselling may help.

Cover up: Look into disguising and covering up your hair loss with things like wigs, hair extensions, scarves and make-up. Persevere until you find a product and style that suits you. “Equally, you may prefer not to cover up at all. Whatever works best for you” says Jackie.

If you have hair loss that you find difficult to cover up (around 50% hair loss or more), you could be eligible for a wig on the NHS. Find out more about NHS wigs.

Be patient: many cases of hair loss in women are temporary. That said, regrowth is unpredictable and can take years. Remember too, that your new hair can be any texture and colour.

Avoid miracle cures: don’t be taken in by claims for wonder products. There are no cures for female hair loss.

“There are lots of snakeoil products out there. Usually the greater the claim, the greater the letdown” says Jackie.

Article sourced via: Women and Hair Loss: Coping Tips

Types of Hair Loss You Should Know

  • Telogen effluvium

General shedding and thinning of the hair. It usually occurs a few months after a shock to the system, such as extreme stress, fever, childbirth, sudden weight loss, an operation or as a reaction to medication. The hair loss is usually temporary.

  • Female-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia)Hairloss, haircare, homemade, laofoye, Singapore, Best Hair Care Centre, Best in Asia,

Hair gradually thins, often from the top of the head. It usually gets more noticeable after the menopause and tends to run in families.

  • Alopecia areata

Affects mostly teenagers and young adults. Hair loss is patchy and linked to a problem with the immune system. The hair follicles are not permanently damaged, and in many cases hair grows back in a few months.

  • Alopecia totalis

Complete loss of hair on the head. Regrowth is unlikely. Alopecia universalis Total loss of head and body hair.


Article sourced via:



5 Tips to Protect Your Hair From Work-Out


  • Protect Your Hair From Sweat – Protecting your hair from sweat as much as possible is a must. If you have long natural hair, placing it in a high ponytail or bun is the best method. If your hair isn’t long enough to pull back, protective styles such as twists and braids are strongly advised. After you’ve chosen your workout style, place a silk scarf or sweat headband around the edges of your hair. The more you sweat, the puffier your edges will become, and we all know that can be quite a monster to tame. I usually put my locs in a really high bun, and wrap my hairline with a silk scarf, making sure that both the front and back edges are covered.
  • Allow Your Hair to Dry After Workout – My scalp is usually extremely damp after a good workout. To avoid my hair getting extremely frizzy, I make sure I allow my hair to completely dry before taking off the silk scarf. If you’re in a rush or would like your hair to dry faster, use the cooling setting on your blow dryer to help speed the process.
  • Make a Schedule – Washing your hair every day, as well as sweating from workouts, can be a dangerous combo for us natural women. It causes hair to become brittle, and will dry it out. Make a schedule of your workout days and appoint a day for wash. I suggest only washing your hair once a week with an intense workout schedule. If your hair has a strong odor or if you feel you may need more, a good dry shampoo is a simple, fast, effective solution. Also, don’t be a stranger to co-washing (that is, washing with conditioner instead of shampoo).
  • Workout in Cooler Climates – Working out in cooler climates will help reduce the amount that you sweat into your hair. I refrain from running outdoors during midday in the summer, because the heat intensity can be a bit much. But if you prefer outdoor exercise, try to go earlier in the day, just after the sun sets (to remain safe).
  • Health Before Hair – You should never sacrifice a good workout and staying healthy because of your hair. Keeping a good routine can allow you to have a healthy mind, body and spirit. It will also promote hair growth. Make sure you are also maintaining a good diet. Believe it or not, our hair is a reflection of what we eat too!

Have a good workout!

Article from:

Tea Tree Oil For Your Hair

The 5 Tips for Natural Prevention of Hair Loss, 5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss, How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally, Change lifestlye, Topical treatment, Herbs and Supplements, Lao Fo Ye, Singapore Hair Care Centre, Asian Beauties, Southeast Asia, Top natural haircare tips, Homemade hair care tips, how to, where is, what is, top tips, wordpress, facebook, twitter

Read further to know about the most well known benefits of Tea Tree oil.

1. For Healthy Skin:

If you are suffering from blemishes, dark spots, pimple outburst etc, tea tree oil is your saviour. Dab a few drops of this essential oil on a cotton swab and apply it over the affected areas on the skin. You can also use face washes and gels, which contain pure tea tree oil in them. This is a lot better and a natural alternative, rather than using harsh chemicals and alcohol.
2. Relief From Pink Eye:

Most of us suffer from Pink eye or “conjunctivitis” at some point in our life. The reddening of the eyes due the virus results in “eye flu” or conjunctivitis. To reduce the pain and the itching in the eyes, tea tree oil can be used. Boil green tea bags in water and add a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Boil for 5 minutes and cool it. Place it on your eyes and keep for 20 minutes. This will provide instant relief to your eyes.
3. Relief From Razor Burns:

Razor burns and ingrown hair can become quite uncomfortable and painful if not treated properly. To cure it, after shaving dab a few drops of tea tree essential oil on a piece of cotton and apply on the infected areas. This will provide a soothing sensation to your skin. For ingrown hair, dilute the oil in water, and then apply it on the affected areas.
4. Skin Treatment:

Tea tree oil can be used as an effective anti-viral and anti-fungal home remedy and can be used to cure athlete’s foot and fungal nail infection. It also has antiseptic properties and is used to treat cuts, wounds, burns, boils and other skin disorders. You can either boil the tea tree leaves in water or dilute the essential oil in water and apply over the affected areas to get instant results. It soothes the skin and reduces the redness and itching.
5. Reduces Acne:

You must have seen various anti-acne skin creams and face washes which contain tea tree extracts. Studies have shown that tea tree oil is just as effective as benzoly peroxide, to reduce acne. It is a natural alternative for curing acne, without negative side effects like reddening and peeling of skin. It also reduces sebum production by the skin and fights off the acne producing bacteria on the skin. Tea tree oil is an excellent skin treatment especially for oily and acne prone skin.

6. Health Benefits:

Tea tree oil helps in strengthening the body’s immune system, which may be weakened by stress, illness, consumption of antibiotics and other drugs. It also treats the respiratory problems like common cold, cough, asthma and bronchitis. Tea tree oil has anti viral properties which help to cure chicken pox, cold sores, measles etc.
7. Oral Problems:

When used as a mouth wash, tea tree oil can help to cure bad breath, plague, inflamed gums and gingivitis. It kills the bacteria in the mouth and reduces the pain and irritation due to its anti-bacterial properties.

For use, dilute 3 drops of the essential oil in a bowl of warm water. Use this to rinse the mouth twice a day to get rid of the various oral problems.
8. Dandruff and Lice:

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo and use it regularly to get rid of lice and reduce dandruff. Studies have shown that shampoo with 5% of tea tree oil is quite effective for the same.
9. Keeps Bugs Away:

Tea tree oil acts as a natural insect deterrent, thus keeping mosquitoes, flies, lice and bugs away. Simply mix a few drops of this oil with a carrier oil like mineral oil or sunflower oil and apply it on the skin.
10. For Cleaning:

Tea tree oil can be used as an all purpose cleanser, thus can be used to clean the floors, tiles, dish washing, mats, laundry etc. For this mix two drops of the oil in a cup of water and use it in a spray bottle. You can spray this over your laundry to make it smell fresh and clean.

One should be very careful and should not consume the oil orally.

It should be stored in a dark glass bottle, to avoid its reaction with light which reduces its potency.

Amazing Aspirin for You

images (1)Revive dead car batteries If you get behind the wheel only to discover that your car’s battery has given up the ghost — and there’s no one around to give you a jump — you may be able to get your vehicle started by dropping two aspirin tablets into the battery itself. The aspirin’s acetylsalicylic acid will combine with the battery’s sulfuric acid to produce one last charge. Just be sure to drive to your nearest service station.

Remove perspiration stains Before you give up all hope of ever getting that perspiration stain out of your good white dress shirt, try this: Crush two aspirins and mix the powder in 1/2 cup warm water. Soak the stained part of the garment in the solution for two to three hours.

Restore hair color Swimming in a chlorinated pool can have a noticeable, and often unpleasing, effect on your hair coloring if you have light-colored hair. But you can usually return your hair to its former shade by dissolving six to eight aspirins in a glass of warm water. Rub the solution thoroughly into your hair, and let it set for 10-15 minutes.

Dry up pimples Even those of us who are well past adolescence can get the occasional pimple. Put the kibosh on those annoying blemishes by crushing one aspirin and moistening it with a bit of water. Apply the paste to the pimple, and let it sit for a couple of minutes before washing off with soap and water. It will reduce the redness and soothe the sting. If the pimple persists, repeat the procedure as needed until it’s gone.

Treat hard calluses Soften hard calluses on your feet by grinding five or six aspirins into a powder. Make a paste by adding 1/2 teaspoon each of lemon juice and water. Apply the mixture to the affected areas, then wrap your foot in a warm towel and cover it with a plastic bag. After staying off your feet for at least ten minutes, remove the bag and towel, and file down the softened callus with a pumice stone.

Control dandruff Is your dandruff problem getting you down? Keep it in check by crushing two aspirins to a fine powder and adding it to the normal amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.

Read more:

What is Rogain?

What is Rogaine, Keep it Natural your hair lost answer, Treatments for hair loss using drugs, Three Ways to Wind-Proof Your Hair, Triple-Treat Getting the Best Up-Dos From A twist Out, Swoop Bang + Low Bun, Big Bang + High Pony, 6 Tips to Make Your Natural Hair Twist Out Last, Home remedies for hair fall, 7 Simple Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION FOR HAIRFALL, The 5 Tips for Natural Prevention of Hair Loss, 5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss, How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally, Change lifestlye, Topical treatment, Herbs and Supplements, Lao Fo Ye, Singapore Hair Care Centre, Asian Beauties, Southeast Asia, Top natural haircare tips, Homemade hair care tips, how to, where is, what is, top tips, wordpress, facebook, twitter, Google Plus

Women’s Rogaine


Use Rogaine for permanent hair loss due to heredity. Rogaine is a US Food and Drug Administration approved treatment for women who have some thinning hair in the front.


Purchase Women’s Rogaine over-the-counter or online. You can buy a one-month supply, or save some money and purchase a four-month supply.


Wash and towel-dry hair.


What is Rogaine, Keep it Natural your hair lost answer, Treatments for hair loss using drugs, Three Ways to Wind-Proof Your Hair, Triple-Treat Getting the Best Up-Dos From A twist Out, Swoop Bang + Low Bun, Big Bang + High Pony, 6 Tips to Make Your Natural Hair Twist Out Last, Home remedies for hair fall, 7 Simple Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION FOR HAIRFALL, The 5 Tips for Natural Prevention of Hair Loss, 5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss, How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally, Change lifestlye, Topical treatment, Herbs and Supplements, Lao Fo Ye, Singapore Hair Care Centre, Asian Beauties, Southeast Asia, Top natural haircare tips, Homemade hair care tips, how to, where is, what is, top tips, wordpress, facebook, twitter, Google Plus

Fill the dropper with 1 milliliter of the Rogaine solution, apply it directly to the scalp and massage it in.


Allow the Rogaine to dry completely before using any hair products.


Apply the solution twice a day. It may take two months or longer to see results.


Continue using Rogaine indefinitely, if it works, to avoid a recurrence of hair loss.


What is Rogaine?
Rogaine is the first available medication that has been proven effective for hair loss treatment. It contains the active ingredient Minoxidil and is the only product which has been medically proven to treat hereditary hair loss. Rogaine is a solution which is applied topically to the scalp twice a day. It can also slow down hair loss in men who are showing signs of balding.

Article sourced via: Treat Femail Hair-Loss

Keep it Natural, your hair loss answer

What to know about natural ways to treat hair loss.

Know Your Supplements. If you are going to use supplements with your hair in mind, be sure to tell your doctor before you start taking them. That way, your doctor can watch out for any possible side effects, including interactions with other drugs you’re taking.Keep it Natural your hair lost answer, Treatments for hair loss using drugs, Three Ways to Wind-Proof Your Hair, Triple-Treat Getting the Best Up-Dos From A twist Out, Swoop Bang + Low Bun, Big Bang + High Pony, 6 Tips to Make Your Natural Hair Twist Out Last, Home remedies for hair fall, 7 Simple Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION FOR HAIRFALL, The 5 Tips for Natural Prevention of Hair Loss, 5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss, How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally, Change lifestlye, Topical treatment, Herbs and Supplements, Lao Fo Ye, Singapore Hair Care Centre, Asian Beauties, Southeast Asia, Top natural haircare tips, Homemade hair care tips, how to, where is, what is, top tips, wordpress, facebook, twitter, Google Plus

Even though supplements don’t require a prescription and may be “natural,” they’re still something your doctor needs to know about, so he or she has a complete picture of everything you’re taking.

Though a seal doesn’t guarantee safety, the approval of organizations like US Pharmacopeia, and NSF International mean that a supplement was manufactured properly, contains what is on the label, and does not contain harmful levels of contaminants.

Style Notes. Rubber bands, dyes, and perms can be hard on your hair. If your hair is thinning, you don’t want to add breakage as well. Be gentle with your hair — don’t overdo brushing or washing, Roberts says.

Some patients quit styling their hair altogether, Mirmirani says. This can lead to thin, unstyled hair, which makes them less satisfied with it.

Mirmirani’s advice:

  • Use scalp coloring products to minimize the contrast between your hair and scalp if it beginning to show through.
  • Try hair extensions to boost volume.
  • Keep your hair cut short so it doesn’t hang and appear thinner.
  • Try parting your hair on the side. That takes the focus off the crown, where hair often thins.
  • Using body-boosting hair products, which can make hair look thicker.

Manage Stress. Losing your hair can be stressful. And unfortunately, stress (physical and emotional) can sometimes increase hair loss.

“Before you start to worry about it, go to a doctor to see if you should worry about it,” Roberts says.

More hair in your brush may not be the beginning of the end for your tresses. Roberts says there are times when some extra hair loss is normal — for women, that includes during menopause, and after pregnancy.

“Hair loss is an emotional thing for a lot of people,” she says. “Clearing out that stress may help them hold onto it longer.”

Article sourced via: Natural Treatments for Hair Loss

Hair ‘Lost’ Treatments with Drugs

Treatments for hair loss using drugs, Three Ways to Wind-Proof Your Hair, Triple-Treat Getting the Best Up-Dos From A twist Out, Swoop Bang + Low Bun, Big Bang + High Pony, 6 Tips to Make Your Natural Hair Twist Out Last, Home remedies for hair fall, 7 Simple Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION FOR HAIRFALL, The 5 Tips for Natural Prevention of Hair Loss, 5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss, How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally, Change lifestlye, Topical treatment, Herbs and Supplements, Lao Fo Ye, Singapore Hair Care Centre, Asian Beauties, Southeast Asia, Top natural haircare tips, Homemade hair care tips, how to, where is, what is, top tips, wordpress, facebook, twitter, Google Plus

For some types of hair loss, hair may resume growth without any treatment. In other situations, treatments may help promote hair growth or hide hair loss.Treatments for hair loss using drugs, Three Ways to Wind-Proof Your Hair, Triple-Treat Getting the Best Up-Dos From A twist Out, Swoop Bang + Low Bun, Big Bang + High Pony, 6 Tips to Make Your Natural Hair Twist Out Last, Home remedies for hair fall, 7 Simple Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION FOR HAIRFALL, The 5 Tips for Natural Prevention of Hair Loss, 5 Natural tips to prevent hair loss, How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally, Change lifestlye, Topical treatment, Herbs and Supplements, Lao Fo Ye, Singapore Hair Care Centre, Asian Beauties, Southeast Asia, Top natural haircare tips, Homemade hair care tips, how to, where is, what is, top tips, wordpress, facebook, twitter, Google Plus

Medication. If your hair loss is caused by an underlying disease, treatment for that disease will be necessary. This may include drugs to reduce inflammation and suppress your immune system, such as prednisone.

Medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat hair loss include:

  • Minoxidil (Rogaine). Minoxidil is an over-the-counter liquid or foam that you rub into your scalp twice daily to grow hair and to prevent further loss. Some people experience some hair regrowth or a slower rate of hair loss or both. It may take 12 weeks for new hair to start growing. Minoxidil is available in a 2 percent solution and in a 5 percent solution. Side effects can include scalp irritation and occasionally unwanted hair growth on the adjacent skin of the forehead or face.
  • Finasteride (Propecia). This prescription medication to treat male-pattern baldness is taken daily in pill form. Many men taking finasteride experience a slowing of hair loss, and some may show some new hair growth. Rare side effects of finasteride include diminished sex drive and sexual function. The FDA has also warned that in some men there’s an increased risk, though low, of getting a fast-growing type of prostate cancer. Finasteride should be avoided by women of childbearing age.

Surgery. In the most common type of permanent hair loss, only the top of the head is affected. Surgical procedures can make the most of the hair you have left.

  • Hair transplants. This type of procedure removes tiny plugs of skin, each containing a few hairs, from the back or sides of your scalp. The plugs are then implanted into the bald sections of your scalp. Several transplant sessions may be needed, as hereditary hair loss progresses with time.
  • Scalp reduction. This procedure surgically removes some of the bald skin on your head. After hairless scalp is removed, the space is closed with hair-covered scalp. Doctors can also fold hair-bearing skin over an area of bald skin in a scalp reduction technique called a flap.

Surgical procedures to treat baldness are expensive and can be painful. Possible risks include infection and scarring.

Wigs and hairpieces. If you would like an alternative to medical treatment for your baldness or if you don’t respond to treatment, you may want to consider wearing a wig or hairpiece. They can be used to cover either permanent or temporary hair loss. Quality, natural-looking wigs and hairpieces are available.

Article sourced via: Treatments and Drugs