21 Natural, Easy Ways to Prevent Hair Loss


Good news: hair loss can be prevented. These natural lifestyle tips can be easily implemented into anyone’s life and help reduce the likelihood of hair loss.

Hair loss can be caused by many factors, including environmental toxins, aging, chronic stress, smoking, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, genetics, infections, poor hair hygiene, drugs or medications, and of course health imbalances like thyroid problems, autoimmunity, and other chronic illnesses.

The average scalp contains right around 100,000 strands of hair and it’s normal to lose hair daily. However, losing anything more than 50 to 100 strands in a day can be too much.

The good news is that restoring the health of the hair is as simple as restoring overall health. There are many simple things one can do to treat hair loss right in their own home, some of them being completely free of charge!

Whatever the cause, the best solution for hair loss is going to be identifying and removing that cause. Before trying any of these remedies, take a look at the major causes of hair loss mentioned above and seek the assistance of a holistic practitioner to rebalance the body.

21 Easy Tips To Prevent Hair Loss

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This famous saying is loaded with truth.

Making up the difference of poor lifestyle choices is a difficult task. So it is always best to embody a healthy lifestyle to prevent the major imbalances that could lead to hair loss to begin with.

Here are 21 ways to not only remedy hair loss but to also create a more balanced lifestyle that will ultimately prevent hair loss from occurring:

1. Scalp Massages

scalp massageMassaging the scalp, especially with particular essential oils and nutrients, is a great way to keep the hair follicles clean and strong so hair can grow in healthfully.

Also, maintaining a healthy scalp will keep hair loss from occurring due to possible infection of the hair follicles. (1) Not just that, scalp massages increase blood flow to the scalp, which is essential for delivering nutrients to the root so hair can grow in strong and healthy.

Additionally, it is my personal experience that a routine scalp massage is very relaxing; it relieves you of stress, which is a primary cause of hair loss. Regular scalp massages are helpful for blood flow and relaxation; however, adding certain oils can make them that much better.

Let’s take a look at some beneficial oils…

2. Coconut Oil


If you are familiar with the Paleo lifestyle, then you likely use coconut oil for a lot of things already: cooking, shaving, moisturizing, deodorant, etc.

Out of all the natural oils, coconut oil might be the best oil for managing hair loss. It acts as a protectant for the hair shafts from losing moisture. It also happens to contain lauric and caprylic acid, which have antibacterial properties that prevent bacterial infections of the scalp. Always choose extra-virgin, cold-pressed, and organic coconut oil. (2)

3. Olive Oil


Next to coconut oil, olive oil is another great oil for the scalp and hair. It is rich in antioxidants and provides great nourishment such as vitamin E that is beneficial for the hair shafts. When choosing olive oil, go with stone-crushed and organic for the best quality. (3)

4. Almond Oil


Almond is yet another nutritious oil with its rich amount of vitamin E, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, and calcium.

Almond oil also makes for a great-smelling carrier oil for the many essential oils below that help with hair loss. (4)

5. Lavender Essential Oil


One of the best-known essential oils for hair health is lavender. Not only does it smell wonderful, it contains antioxidants that help remedy hair loss.

It also happens to be antifungal and antiseptic, which can keep the scalp free of infection that may damage hair follicles. Lavender oil is successfully used in clinical study to treat alopecia areata. This is a condition of excessive hair loss that can result in bald patches.

With any essential oil, source high-quality raw material and use a carrier oil such as coconut, almond, olive, or jojoba. (5)


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Other articles:

Hair Loss and Coping

Hair Loss Treatment



Express Recovery for your hair

I saw this ad from Laofoyehair.com base in Singapore. They are specialist in hair growth treatments and hair loss treatments. Recently they are getting a lot of successful alopecia areata treatments and gray  hair treatments.

I also read good reviews about their services.

They are currently offering hair express treatment, for those on the go always and wanted to have more time to spend shopping or wandering around. Then you can avail this in less than a hour your hair treatment is done with a good results. Choose between Scalp Clarifying and Hair Strengthening . This is pay per visit and no package signing which is a good news.




Make Your Curly Hair Shiny!

If you are a girl with curls then you certainly know how to rock and roll at a party or tame those curls at your workplace. However, the one place that the curls may get the better of you is when you want to turn on the shine. Yes, shiny curly hair remains but a distant dream for most curly haired girls. And this while their straight haired counterparts seem to don shiny hair with little or even no effort! That’s because curly hair tends to get dry faster than straight hair, and also has rougher cuticles making it challenging to shine on!laofoye

But there’s no reason to let you dull hair make you feel gloomy. You can make your hair shiny and smooth despite the curls with just a little help from us!

  1. Wash it right: Using the right shampoo and conditioner to lock in the shine can ease half your woes. Shampoo and conditioner can work as great tools to helps lock in the moisture while retaining shine in your hair. Curly hair tends to get dry quicker than straight hair, as the cuticles are not flat so in addition to using the right products opt for a deep conditioning treatment once a week. You can also alternate with a UV protecting leave in conditioner for maximum shine. One more thing, don’t shampoo your hair more than 3 – 4 times a week for bets results.
  2. Color with care:Yes, coloring your hair can add an instant gloss and shine. However you must take caution with the color you choose, as many colors can leave your hair looking duller than before. For curly hair, warmer colors in the shade of browns and brunettes work best. You can even try you hand at deeper shades of red, to make your mane glisten with health. Semi-permanent color will also make your hair look shinier than permanent colors, which can be more drying and damaging.
  3. Style for shine: Styling curly hair is no easy feat. However, if you do it right, it can make your look glossy and healthy all day long. While blow-drying your hair, remember to use a round brush instead of a flat one, which is especially good for curly hair, and finish off your styling with a cold blast, as this will help seal your cuticles.

Remember, just because you have curly hair you don’t have to get all tangled up about it. Just follow these simple shine solutions and watch heads turn as you turn the glam on!

Article sourced via: Can curly hair be shiny?

Spa Treatment For Your Hair

There is nothing that helps a tired body rejuvenate like a spa treatment! It helps you relax, repair and refresh yourself to get back to your game. Well, the same rules apply for your hair too! Nothing gets life back into dull, listless and undernourished hair like a good hair spa treatment. A hair spa treatment can help your hair restore its good health and make it strong, bouncy and shiny while repairing the damage caused by dryness or dandruff. It can even help reduce hair fall to a large extent. Today, we enlist for you the benefits that a hair spa treatment can provide.

Hair care

Benefits of a hair spa treatment:
• Conditions your scalp, while leaving it free from chemicals and pollutants, which seep into the hair from air pollution and products.
• Helps you deal with various hair related problems such as dandruff, dry hair, split ends, hair fall
• The hair spa treatment helps normalize oil secretions and also stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, helping to repair the damage caused by dryness.
• The treatment works on the roots of the hair, helping you have healthier well-nourished hair. It also eliminates knotting, dryness and matting.

How it works:
• The hair spa treatment begins with shampooing the hair to cleanse it. This step is the first and most important as it determines the course of your spa treatment. If you are looking at doing the spa treatment at home, make sure you use a shampoo most suitable to your hair type. For example, if you have straight hair, using a shampoo, can help you lock your hair into perfect straightness right before you begin to deep condition it, making your treatment more effective!

• The next step is massaging it. If you are getting a salon treatment, there will be specific products that are used during the treatment depending on the challenge you are looking at addressing. At home, you could massage it with oil, in order to condition and nourish your hair

• Rinsing and then conditioning your hair follows next. You can choose a conditioner based on your hair type. For example if you have straight hair, you can use a range of shampoos and conditioners, to find your hair at its straightest best at the end of the treatment! You can even try homemade conditioners using ingredients available in your kitchen. For instance you can use egg and honey, or vinegar and mayonnaise to condition and nourish your hair.

So the next time you feel tired and feel like a massage, just remember to treat your hair to one too, and give it the spa treatment that it truly needs! Have a happy hair day!

Article sourced via:  A spa treat for your hair

Baking Soda For Hair Shampoo

Baking Soda:
  • Apply the baking soda and water mixture to dry or wet hair by applying it to the roots at the scalp.
  • I like to rub it into my scalp for about a minute and give myself a mini head massage. It feels great and it helps to make sure I get my scalp clean.
  • don’t wash the ends with this mixture because the rest of my hair doesn’t get super oily.
  • Rinse with warm water.
After washing and rinsing with the baking soda mixture, you’ll want to apply a vinegar rinse. I’ve found that white vinegar does not leave as strong of a smell compared to apple cider vinegar so that is what I use in my rinse.) Mix 1 part white vinegar with 4 parts water.

Tips for Having Natural Hair

The hairy end of a Best Badger brush.
The hairy end of a Best Badger brush. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) Brush your hair 100 times a night

There’s a reason for the old wives tale to brush your hair 100 times a night; it’s very beneficial to hair health. Brushing your hair with a good quality brush from root to tip distributes your hair’s natural oils down the hair shaft and makes hair shinier, more manageable, and less prone to breakage. In fact you might be able to eliminate some hair-care products if you devoted time to brush the 100 strokes as recommended. Be sure you start your brushing at the bottom of your hair, and gradually work your way up; this will allow you to gently remove and tangles until you’re just smoothly brushing from root to tip.

2) Use a boar bristle brush

Don’t use just any brush for your 100 strokes…use a boar-bristle brush. Boar bristle brushes are more expensive than synthetic brushes, but they are densely packed on the brush and last for years. This dense construction is the secret to their being able to remove dirt, dust, and debris from hair and move your natural oils along the hair shaft, essentially giving the hair a bit of cleaning without the shampoo (you’ll want to clean your boar bristle brush regularly because of this). Boar bristle brushes have tough but flexible bristles that are wonderful for taming and smoothing even curly hair. And don’t worry, they won’t rip your hair out as long as you start at the bottom and slowly move your way up until you can stroke smoothly from root to tip.

3) Don’t brush your hair when it’s wet:

Wet hair is weaker than dry hair, so don’t ever brush or use a fine-toothed comb on your hair when it is wet. After washing and towel drying your hair, only use a wide-toothed comb to detangle it if you must.

4) Police your commercial shampoo

Many people don’t realize the lax federal regulations regarding beauty products, including shampoos, beyond a mandatory listing of ingredients. It’s up to you to decide if the listed ingredients are safe for you. Many shampoos you buy at the store contain toxic ingredients, and don’t be fooled if the word “natural” appears on the bottle. The word “natural” is not regulated, and anyone can use the word no matter what the product contains. Artificial and drying scents, artificial colors and harmful detergents can damage hair, necessitating the purchase of additional “product” to fix that damage. Ingredients like sodium laurel sulfate, parabens, and benzyl benzoate (and similar) are just a few of the common shampoo ingredients that have been linked to cancer, skin irritation, and even birth defects.

Hair Loss And Coping

Types of hair loss, Hairloss, haircare, homemade, laofoye, Singapore, Best Hair Care Centre, Best in Asia, Hairloss and coping

Losing your crowning glory can be particularly difficult for women. But there are ways to cope.

Losing your hair as a woman, especially if you’re young or at a vulnerable time in your life, can be a catastrophic experience.

Jackie McKillop, Alopecia UK spokesperson and junior nursing sister at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, says society considers hair to be an important part of how you look: Types of hair loss, Hairloss, haircare, homemade, laofoye, Singapore, Best Hair Care Centre, Best in Asia, Hairloss and coping

“For women, there is a social stigma attached to going bald,” she says. “Hair loss can affect your sensuality and how you perceive yourself.” There are usually emotional trials and tribulations when it happens.

“Some women question whether their partner will still love them, while I’ve known others become socially reclusive and give up enjoyable activities like swimming and going to the gym because they can’t bear using the communal changing rooms for fear of their hair loss being discovered.”

An estimated 8 million women in the UK have hair loss (medically known as alopecia), and it can lead to loss of self-confidence and heightened self-consciousness.

Hair loss is a well-known side effect of chemotherapy, and around 50% of women lose more hair than usual after they’ve given birth.

Hair loss treatments

Jackie, who has herself lost all her hair, says it can help to address the physical aspects of hair loss. Try to find out everything you can about hair loss and the treatment options available to you.
A proven treatment for female-pattern baldness is a hair lotion containing minoxidil. After using it, most women see improvements, including a stop to or slowing of the balding, as well as thicker hair.
Up to 25% of women experience hair regrowth while using it.

Always contact your GP or dermatologist for advice before starting or finishing any treatments or medication for alopecia.

Find out about the causes of hair loss and what effective hair loss treatments are available.

Ways to cope with hair loss

It’s also important to address the psychological impact of hair loss. If you’ve lost your hair, even temporarily, life will be easier if you can accept what’s happened and learn to live with your altered appearance.

“How well you cope with looking at yourself in the mirror depends on your coping strategies, personality, self-esteem and the support around you” says Jackie. “It’s really important to try to promote positivity in your life.”

Here are some useful self-help tips:

Share stories: It helps to know you’re not alone. Watch this video of a woman’s personal experience of alopecia, read this real-life story of Michelle Chapman who was diagnosed with alopecia when she was five, then read the comments at the end of this article to see how others cope.

Join a support group: There are a variety of groups around the country where you can meet and socialise with other people with alopecia. Find your nearest Alopecia UK support group.

Accept it: It’s not easy, but try to come to terms with your hair loss. One way to do this is to make a list of all your good qualities and focus your energy on celebrating these attributes.

Talk about it: Discuss your hair loss with your friends, family and loved ones, preferably early on. Let them know how you feel about it and what kind of support you need. If hair loss is affecting your relationship with your partner, going to therapy or couples counselling may help.

Cover up: Look into disguising and covering up your hair loss with things like wigs, hair extensions, scarves and make-up. Persevere until you find a product and style that suits you. “Equally, you may prefer not to cover up at all. Whatever works best for you” says Jackie.

If you have hair loss that you find difficult to cover up (around 50% hair loss or more), you could be eligible for a wig on the NHS. Find out more about NHS wigs.

Be patient: many cases of hair loss in women are temporary. That said, regrowth is unpredictable and can take years. Remember too, that your new hair can be any texture and colour.

Avoid miracle cures: don’t be taken in by claims for wonder products. There are no cures for female hair loss.

“There are lots of snakeoil products out there. Usually the greater the claim, the greater the letdown” says Jackie.

Article sourced via: Women and Hair Loss: Coping Tips

Types of Hair Loss You Should Know

  • Telogen effluvium

General shedding and thinning of the hair. It usually occurs a few months after a shock to the system, such as extreme stress, fever, childbirth, sudden weight loss, an operation or as a reaction to medication. The hair loss is usually temporary.

  • Female-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia)Hairloss, haircare, homemade, laofoye, Singapore, Best Hair Care Centre, Best in Asia,

Hair gradually thins, often from the top of the head. It usually gets more noticeable after the menopause and tends to run in families.

  • Alopecia areata

Affects mostly teenagers and young adults. Hair loss is patchy and linked to a problem with the immune system. The hair follicles are not permanently damaged, and in many cases hair grows back in a few months.

  • Alopecia totalis

Complete loss of hair on the head. Regrowth is unlikely. Alopecia universalis Total loss of head and body hair.


Article sourced via: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/hairloss/Pages/Womenandhairloss.aspx



How to Do a Mayonnaise Hair Treatment

Mayonnaise (album)
Mayonnaise (album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  1. Purchase some mayonnaise at your local grocery store. It doesn’t matter which brand you choose, just as long as it is regular mayonnaise. (No need to get the low-fat stuff — it’s going in your hair not in your body!)
  2. Prep your hair using warm water to get it nice and damp, but not soaking wet.
  3. Scoop some mayonnaise out of the jar and start rubbing it through your hair like you would a conditioner. The amount that you are going to use really depends on the length and thickness of your hair. Feel free to lather on the amount that you feel most comfortable with.
  4. Wrap your head of hair with a plastic wrap, a plastic bag, or shower cap to trap the heat inside. Heat opens the pores and allows the treatment to penetrate strands further and thus work better.
  5. Let the treatment sit on the hair for at least 20 minutes. You can let it sit longer depending on how damaged your hair already is.
  6. Wash the mayonnaise out. This is most easily done in the shower using a diluted shampoo. You may need to shampoo a few times before you are able to get all of the mayonnaise out. Be sure to use the shampoo gently, not tangling the hair.

FROM: http://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/products-ingredients/mayonnaise-hair-treatment-how-to



Hair Extension Care & Styling Tips

Hair Extension Care Tipsextensions_03

  1.   Treat 100% human hair extensions and synthetic hair extensions gently.
  2.     Nightly and before shampooing, carefully remove any tangles and gently brush through hair with a special looper brush with looped bristles designed to glide through hair extensions, wigs and hairpieces.
  3.     Shampoo hair in the shower using a mild moisturizing shampoo. Lather hair gently and work the shampoo down the hair. Rinse and blot hair gently.
  4.     Apply a leave-in conditioner daily and after shampooing and detangle hair gently using a wide-tooth comb. When shampooing at night, make sure hair is completely dry before going to bed. It’s best to let extensions air dry. If using a dryer, set on low heat and speed.
  5.     To avoid tangling while you sleep, wrap hair up with a satin scarf or use a satin sleep cap or a satin pillow case to prevent friction.

Hair Extension Styling Tips

  • To style hair extensions, use a looper brush, or a smooth styling comb. Start at the ends and gently work your way up, brushing or combing in a downward motion. Use alcohol-free styling products on hair extensions. Avoid over-use to prevent product buildup.
  • Generally, heated styling appliances can be used ONLY on 100% human hair extensions. Use conditioning ionic ceramic heat styling tools whenever possible. Always do a test curl first, and use the lowest temperature level that is effective. Overuse of curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers a will shorten the life of human hair extensions. Heated curling or straightening irons should NEVER be used on synthetic hair.
  • All hair extensions have gone through a very intense chemical color process to get to their final color, so changing the color with hair color will not produce accurate results

Article from: http://www.sallybeauty.com/beauty-hints/SOL_ExtensionCare,default,pg.html