Men Issue: Hair Routine for Men

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Whether you’re more of the “Classic” type or into the latest and trendiest hairstyles, a thorough yet simple hair care routine is critical to keeping your manly locks looking great.

  1. Shampoo: Choose a nice, soothing aromatic shampoo that is appealing to one’s taste. laofoye, Lao fo Ye, Singapore, haircare, hair essentials for men, homemade hair care,
  2. Tone: Gently massage your scalp as you shampoo. Use the balls of the fingertips in a “spider doing push-ups” fashion. Most of the oil is near the scalp. If no conditioner is to follow, gently towel dry the hair by squeezing to avoid tangles. A light, BB-sized dab of a moisturizing conditioner works well.
  3. Condition: Moisturize your hair. Conditioner is an essential hair product if your hair is dry.
  4. Groom: Get the right tools. You’ll likely need the following:
  • brush (natural bristles are best)
  • comb (wide-toothed if you have curly hair) >
  • pick (plastic or metal tines)
  • hair dryer (if it’s less than 1000 watts, you’re wasting your time)

5.  Style: Find a comfortable style that you can easily maintain on your own daily in less than five minutes.


  • Massage your scalp with your fingertips or the pads of your fingers–not with your fingernails.
  • If you keep your hair cut very short, you probably won’t need any styling treatments, as the oils from your scalp will be sufficient for your hair, and the short hair basically styles itself.
  • Don’t be cheap about the styling products. Cheap ones will either dry out your hair or grease it up. Find good quality gel, pomade, mousse, and whichever other products that are best for your hair type. They may be a bit expensive, but you only need to use a little to do a lot.
  • Get regular haircuts and trims from your trusted barber.

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Hair Care Special: 10 Hair Care Tips from Experience

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Since I have been doing hair for over 10 years I have acquired several tips for better hair care. There are many things people do not know about proper hair care and I am here today to present them to you. With these tips you will have beautiful healthy hair. By: Jasmine Watts
10. Sunblock your hair too!  hair color, asian hair color, Singapore, Lao Fo Ye, laofoye, Haircare, Natural haircare, homemade, top tips, where is, what is, youtube, facebook, twitter, sexy, asian, current, latest, update, news, indian women, india, yahoonews, yahoo, google, pinterest

What many people do not realize is that your hair is very capable of becoming sunburned as well. This can lead to dry and brittle hair. To remedy this, try a spray sunblock and get your hair along with the rest of your body.

9. Shampoo your roots, condition your ends

For those with dry hair it is best to shampoo their roots and let the shampoo hit the rest of the hair when rinsing. It is also good to condition only the ends to prevent oiling the scalp again.

8. Dandruff is a fungus

Yes this is correct; dandruff is a fungus that feeds on oil. This is why it is best to keep your scalp clean. Also when treating dandruff, be sure to wash all of your hair utensils such as combs and brushed to prevent getting it again.

7. Wooden combs are the best

Wooden combs prevent breaking of the hair follicles and keep oil from one’s scalp. I suggest a sandalwood comb because they also smell great.

6. Stay away from heat when you can

Heat is not good for your hair. So when you can, try not to use it. Try to limit blow-drying and flat ironing your hair down to once or twice a week as opposed to everyday.

5. Keep a regular hair routine

Your hair has the power to adapt. While it may take longer for some people hair to do, keeping a regular hair care routine means eventually having hair that is cooperative.

4. Pick the best haircuts for your face shape

When choosing your next haircut, be sure to look at the faces of those with it. There is nothing worse than a haircut that is not flattering to your face shape.

3. Get the right products for your hair type

There are no two hair types that are the same. Because of this it is important to get products that are accustomed to your hair type. If it is curly and dry be sure to use products that solve these issues as opposed to the most popular shampoo.

2. When your workout regularly, wash your hair more often

Regardless of if you have oily hair or hair that is drier, if you work out on a regular basis, you should wash your hair more often. Since you are sweating more, you are also producing more oil which means it is time for another wash.

1. Get your ends clipped regularly

This is a vital step in hair care. This is because when your ends are damaged it breaks off more and can even damage the rest of the hair follicle which means when you do finally get your ends clipped you will have to cut more off. The best way to prevent this is to clip your ends on a regular basis. I suggest either once or twice a month depending on how quickly your hair grows.

Remember these tips and you will be well on your way to a healthy beautiful head of hair.

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Some Hair Care Tips You May Need

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A healthy lifestyle will mean healthier hair for you. Excessive stress, smoking, not exercising and not eating nutritiously are not healthy for your hair. Lao fo ye, laofoye, Singapore, top tips, how to, where is, what is, Destination, natural hair care, Home made hair care, best place

Get enough sleep.

Hair Products (Gel, mouse, hair spary…)
Avoid using hair styling products with alcohol which dries out hair.

Avoid puting hair styling products directly on your scalp; if you put it on your scalp you’ll clog the pores on your head.

Before entering a pool, wet your hair so your hair will soak up the initial water instead of the chlorinated water.

When swimming where a cap to protect your hair from chlorinated water, if you choose not to wear a cap make sure you shampoo and condition your hair right after you are done swimming.

Hot air can be damaging to your hair so when using a hair dryer use the cool setting.

Don’t leave the blowdryer in one spot for more than a few seconds, keep it moving and at a good distance away from your hair.

To speed up the drying process, pat your hair dry with a towell and let the remaining moisture in your hair dry naturally.

Gently use your fingers or a pick to untangle any knots while your hair is drying.


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Hair Care Tip: Combing/Brushing

shampoo technique, brushing technique, lao fo ye, Singapore, best way

Use a brush whose bristles are made from natural animal hairs, it is softer and more flexible, which means less damage will be done to your hair. hair care tip, brushing hair, combing hair, asian, beautiful women, Lao fo ye, Singapore, Destination, Top tips, how to, where is, best place

Hair is most fragile when it is wet so avoid brushing or combing when it’s wet, or else it will cause breakage. Wait until your hair is almost completely dry before brushing it.

Use brushes/combs with widely spaced bristles/teeth and smooth tips. Sharp tooth combs can damage your hair, cause split ends, and scratch your scalp.

To keep your brushes and combs clean, wash them weekly using soap or shampoo.

Comb your hair to remove any tangles before brushing it.

Begin by combing your hair gently at the ends to get any tangles out and work your way up to the base of your hair.

Always brush/comb with a downwards stroke.

Avoid using plastic brushes/combs which create static electricity


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Hair Care Tip: Good Shampoo

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Wash hair sparingly with a good-quality shampoo. Many people insist that washing hair too often can leave hair dried out, leeched of its natural oils, and damage your hair. Shoot to shampoo your hair at most every other day. Some people wash their hair only twice a week.

Shampoo, GIrl, Hair Care Tips, Lao fo Ye, Laofoye, Singapore, Top tips, Natural hair care

  • Try shampoos that do not contain sulfates or parabens. Sulfates are the chemicals that make shampoos lather up. Parabens are preservatives that cause irritation and eye problems after prolonged use. Both of these chemicals aren’t healthy for you or the environment so try to use shampoos with natural cleansers.
  • Choose a shampoo that suits your hair type. Don’t just go for any old shampoo; go for the shampoo that works for you!
  1. Curly or coarse hair probably wants frizz-minimizing and softening shampoo.
  2. Straight or oily hair probably wants a gentle shampoo designed for daily washing.
  3. Colored or treated hair probably needs a shampoo that’s fortified with extracts or amino acids, because treating your hair is essentially damaging it.
  4. Dry hair probably needs shampoos with glycerin and collagen to help restore some moisture into the hair.

Article source via: Giving Your Hair A Chance