Top Tips to Cure Oily Scalps

 top tips to cure oily scalpsCC

  • Use shampoos designed for oily hair. More products are becoming available on the market that target an oily scalp while not drying out the rest of your hair.
  • Shop for products that are mild and have amino acids or natural cleansers. Avoid oily styling products, and apply these only to the ends of your hair.
  • Make a home remedy by mixing mouthwash and an astringent like witch hazel. Using a cotton ball, apply this mixture to your scalp two times a week prior to shampooing.
  • Switch shampoos if you don’t notice improvement. Even with an oily scalp, shampooing may not be necessary daily. Try an every-other-day routine to see if you notice a reduction in oil.
  • Skip the conditioner. Conditioners often add oils to soften the hair. If you have to use one, only condition the ends of your hair.

Tips & Warnings

  • Shop for mild, see-through shampoos that often fight oil better and leave behind little residue.
  • Leave the shampoo lather on your hair for a minimum of five minutes before rinsing.
  • Rinse hair with lukewarm water rather than hot water.
  • Avoid 2-in-1 products.
  • Avoid harsh shampoos because they will only cause the oil glands to produce more sebum than necessary.
  • Avoid brushing your hair too often. Excessive brushing causes the glands in the scalp to produce more oil or sebum.

Read more: How to Treat an Oily Scalp | eHow

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