How SG Laofoye Hair Dandruff Treats You

SG Laofoye Hair Dandruff Treatment

LaoFoYe Hair Care Blog

Say Goodbye to embarrassing flakes over your shoulders!
Say Goodbye to itchy scalp!
Say Goodbye to hair loss caused by dandruff!
Say Goodbye to dry hair caused by dandruff!

laofoye SG dandruff treatment

Dandruff is caused by a fungus Malasseziaglobosa. The fungus lives and feed on human scalp causing itching and flaking.

The fungus feeds on sebum, the oily product produced by the sebaceous glands. The fungus has no ability to manufacture its own fatty acids, so relies on human sebum for its source, having oily scalp also lead to hair loss and dandruff.

Sebum acts to protect and waterproof hair and skin, and keep them from becoming dry, brittle and cracked. Dandruff causes excessive flaking of skin from scalp. Itching from dry or greasy scaling varies.

Possible Causes of Dandruff
* Over-shampooing
* Improper drying of hair after wash
* Allergic reactions to hair products

Before Treatment @ LaoFoYe

Very serious scarred dandruff…

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A DIY Natural Solutions for Your Hair Problems in SG

Having problems with your hair like itchy scalp?

Losing plenty of  hair strands every time you take a bath or comb your hair.

Or having an Alopecia Areata syndromes?

natural hair care products from LaoFoYe SG

I have searched in the world wide web and surf in google that there is a Do it yourself solutions for your hair in Singapore. Lao Fo Ye in SG are the most natural clinic who offers herbal on how to treat hair loss and any hair problems you will encounter.

Using only 100% Ayurvedic Herbs (without chemical or preservatives)

An effective solutions for hair loss, dandruff problems, oily and sensitive scalp and the alopecia areat syndromes. This is a DIY solutions. Do It Yourself. Simply mix the powder with water! A herbal detox to scalp clarifying treatment. Contact them for more  information.

Got Hair Loss? – A Natural Hair Care Center in Singapore

LaoFoYe Haircare Centre is one of the top few Haircare centres in Singapore that specialize in Haircare in the hair industry, offering a range of services that caters in solving customers’ hair problems. Ranging from scalp problems, oily scalp problems, thinning hair, hair loss, round bald patches (known as Alopecia Areata) and grey hair problems.

Lao Fo Ye Hair Care Center SG

Why name it ‘LaoFoYe’?

LaoFoYe Haircare Centre uses the ancient secrets of the Qing Dynasty imperial palace of Empress Dowager Cixi, also affectionaly known in history as “Old Buddha” or “LaoFoYe”, hence deriving the name from there.

Empress Dowager Cixi was famous for her secret formulas on Food, Beauty, Longevity & Haircare. Being particularly concerned about her hair, she will do treatments with formulas derived from ancient imperial secret so that there were neither white hairs nor empty patches on her head.

The secrets of LaoFoYe Haircare centre originated from the imperial palaces of China, and Cixi would have been one of them using it for her hair. Hence, the name LaoFoYe was aptly named after Empress Dowager Cixi.

Free Hair and Scalp Consultation, click here.

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7 Things That Are Making Your Hair Frizzy



If you feel like you’re constantly trying to tame your mane from frizziness, you are so not alone. According to a data from, 31% of women have to fight the frizz all the time. While there are some unavoidable causes (weather, being one), frizz prevention truly begins with you, according to the experts. Here are seven things that might make your locks freak out and some pro tips to help your hair stay as smooth as possible.

1. Your shower routine.

For a more manageable mane, avoid extra hot—and extra long—showers, says Wendy Rose Gould of “The hotter your shower is, and the longer it lasts, the more your hair is stripped of natural oils that keep frizz at bay and locks shiny and lush,” she explains. “Lukewarm water is your friend.”

2. Not brushing your hair before washing.

Raise your hand if you detangle your hair before stepping in the shower? No one? Well, according to celebrity hairstylist Melissa Peverini, founder of Versi, we should all start. “Not brushing before washing will make product distribute unevenly,” she says. “Brush hair with a boar and nylon mix brush, such as the Cricket Carbon Paddle Brush, before washing to pull natural oils through to hydrate the hair before the water hits it.”

 3. Shampooing too much.

Peverini also advises shampooing only two or three times a week to keep frizz levels down. “Shampooing hair too often can dry and dull hair, leaving it frizzy,” she says. Your shampoo’s formula can also play a part. According to research, shampoo with too high of a pH level can actually cause frizziness and breakage. While many bottles won’t broadcast the pH on the label, you can look for a product that touts its low or balanced pH like a badge of honor.

 4. Your brush.

Not all hairbrushes are created equal—and different hair types require different tools for optimally smooth locks. According to master hair stylist and colorist Sandi Arensman, an ion metal brush is great for combatting frizz in fine curly hair, for example, but those with fine straight hair should never use metal (or a brush with sharp teeth, no matter what material). If you have natural African American or Afrocentric hair, keep it from frizzing by using a plastic, bone, or tortoise shell wide-toothed pick or comb and don’t use metal or aluminum—the edges will actually shred your hair. No matter your hair type, Peverini warns against using thermal brushes since, “they are heat conductors and can curl the hair, leaving it vulnerable to frizz.”

 5. Your blowdryer.

Upgrade your hairdryer, Peverini says, if you’re constantly battling frizz. “Look for ionic technology devices,” she says. “The ions produce a negative charge which flattens and smooths the hair cuticle.” Technique also matters, Arensman says. “When you dry your hair, the setting should be on low heat and use a diffuser for best results.”

 6. Your hair’s lack of moisture.

“Frizzy hair lacks moisture,” says Arensman. Deep conditioners and leave-in conditioning treatments work well to keep frizz away. Argan oil (or any oil that is easily absorbed) will also help to protect the hair and eliminate part of the frizz—as well as keep hair from tangling. Also be sure to trim the ends of your hair regularly (once every six to eight weeks), she advises. When the ends of your hair and rough and dry, frizz happens.

7. Your flat iron

Extreme chemical and heat exposure are also frizz-makers, Arensman says. “Flat irons are very damaging to hair,” she explains. “Chemical over-processing hair through perming, bleaching and using high volumes of developer will also cause frizz in the ends and even through the shaft of the hair.”

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14 Things That Are Seriously Damaging Your Hair


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6 ways you’re ruining your hair color and don’t even know it

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6 ways you’re ruining your hair color and don’t even know it


Break these six habits that could be destroying your expensive hair color

If you enjoy coloring your hair on the regular and also love using those superhot styling tools, listen up. These things do not go well together.

This is especially true for people who experiment with fun, crazy colors (especially the metallic-looking ones). Ever notice those awesome hues start to fade more quickly when you’re always flat-ironing or curling them? Well, there’s a reason for that — hair dye is heat sensitive, and too much exposure to hot temperatures means bye-bye, color.


Man, can you believe how quickly that metallic purple color faded? As someone who has been dyeing their hair red since middle school and using various hot tools regularly, this video was pretty terrifying to me. Professional hair coloring is not a cheap process, and now that I see just how much I might be contributing to my own fade-out, you can bet your boots I’ll be leaving my hair alone a lot more often.

However, flat irons and curlers are far from the only thing causing hair color to fade faster. Here are some more things you’ve probably done that are likely doing some major color damage.

1. Using the wrong shampoo

If you color your hair, you definitely want to stay away from shampoos that contain sulfates. Sulfates are detergents that strip the color molecules from your locks. Fortunately there are plenty of sulfate-free shampoos on the market now, and they’re usually prominently displayed as such.

2. Showering with hot water

If you love a superhot shower, you might want to consider changing your ways if you also love your hair color. Hot water lifts the outer hair cuticle layer, which has a lot of your original color in it. Try sticking to warm or even cool water, if you can stand it.

More: Cobra braid ponytails are the hair trend to master for spring

3. Staying in the sun too long

The sun’s harsh rays are not just bad for your skin; they’re bad for your hair color too. The UV rays break down the color particles, which lightens the hue considerably. To prevent this, wear a hat as much as possible when you know you’re going to be in the sun. There are even leave-in conditioners with UV-blocking components that can help protect your color too.

4. Spending too much time in the pool

The chlorine in pool water can build up over time and make your hair color look dull. If you’re favorite pastime is pool time, try washing your hair with club soda after you’re done for the day. The bubbles help cleanse your hair of the chemical buildup.

5. Jumping in the shower too soon

If you dye your hair regularly, you know it’s always a more intense color on that first day. Many women head right for the shower to bring down the hue a bit. Resist the temptation! Showering too soon (and too regularly) strips the color down so much faster. The color needs at least 24 hours to really set in your hair. Wash it before then, and you may find yourself in your colorist’s chair a lot sooner than you planned.


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Why Is Your Hair So Dry?


Do you dream of having the luxurious, silky hair of a shampoo model instead of dry hair? Understanding the root cause of dry hair and taking action may be all you need to get the locks you long for.

Common Causes

Your hair can get dry because your scalp doesn’t make enough oil to moisturize your hair, or your hair lets moisture escape.

Your scalp isn’t making enough moisture. Hair has no natural lubrication. It relies on oils made in the hair root to keep your hair moisturized and looking lustrous.

Sometimes, hair doesn’t make enough oil, which leads to dry hair. (Likewise, roots in overdrive lead to oily and greasy hair.) As you age, your hair naturally makes less oil. Since the roots are under your skin, dry scalp goes along with dry hair. Dry scalp peels and sheds, leading to dandruff flakes on your shoulders.

The moisture you have is escaping. Each strand of healthy hair has a protective layer called the cuticle. Just as shingles shield your home from rain and sun damage, the cuticle shields your hair from heat and sun damage. In a healthy cuticle, the layers lie tightly together and keep moisture in. When a cuticle’s layers separate and peel away from hair, its ability to hold moisture is compromised – some oil escapes.

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How to detox your scalp

A scalp detox treatment includes massaging in a mask to exfoliate the scalp, which unclogs your pores of dead skin and removes toxins from the hair follicles, roots, and oil glands.

For a simple at home DIY scalp mask recipe, you will need:

1 teaspoon of baking soda

  • Baking soda is a natural cleansing ingredient that absorbs oils, grease, and product residue from your hair.

2 tablespoons of olive oil

  • Olive oil is filled with antioxidants great for fighting dandruff and dry scalp. The oil can prevent hair loss by reducing the chances of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) production (a hormone that decreases the hair follicle shaft growth which can cause hair loss).

1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder

  • Cinnamon contains organic compounds eugenol and cinnamaldehyde which are antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. This is said to prevent fungal and bacterial infections of the scalp.

Steps to detoxifying your scalp:

To prevent dry hair and scalp, this mask treatment is for a deep clarifying cleanse and should not be used more than once a month.


Step 1: Mix all ingredients in a small container

Step 2: Part your hair in small sections and apply the mask down each part on the scalp

Step 3: Massage the mask into the scalp in a gentle circular motion

Step 4: Cover your hair and scalp with a shower cap for 10 -15 minutes

Step 5: Shampoo and conditioner your hair as normal

For an alternative to shampooing your hair, you can finish the detox treatment off with a apple cider vinegar rinse and then condition as normal. Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, helps to balance the hair and scalp ph levels, kills the bacteria that causes dandruff and itchy scalp, and gives the hair extra shine.


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What Causes Grey Hair and How to Prevent It?

There is an old saying that goes, “Father time is undefeated.” It means that no one, regardless of how good they look, can forever escape the grasp of time. This is especially true aesthetically. No matter how good you think you look right now, at some point, age will catch up to you.This is especially true for men and their hair.

As men age, they tend to lose their hair. But for those that are fortunate enough to keep their hair, eventually, they go grey. While many people find grey hair to be off-putting, it can often be seen as a sign of wisdom and grace. Rather than being in the dark, you’ll find out what causes grey hair, and you’ll learn about what you can do about it.

What causes grey hair?

While there are numerous reasons, the primary reason your hair goes grey is interestingly enough the same reason your hair has color. Melanin is a very well-known pigment, and it is associated with darkening of the skin, hair, and eyes. Melanin is often a reflection of good health and sturdy genetics, but in recent years, it has gotten a bad name due to its relation to greying of hair.

women-losing-hair-over-stressIn our youth, melanin is produced in large amounts by the body. There are still a lot of questions as to what specifically causes your hair and skin to go dark from melanin, but for the most part, many people believe the gene that produces it is linked to the production in large quantities when you’re younger. However, for whatever reason, your body tends to stop producing melanin when you’re older.

A lot of people speculate that the phenomenon that causes melanin production to cease is related to stress. While stress has been shown to lead to decreased production of melanin, in reality, the reason why it happens is simply unknown. Regardless, you can expect to start seeing pronounced melanin decreases around your 40s and 50s. It is during this time that your hair will begin to whiten and lose its color.

A lot of men and women alike tend to deal with their greying hair in a number of ways. Some people make an effort to fight the effects whereas others acquiesce. Regardless of how you feel about it, here are some of the ways you can fight off the effects of greying hair.

What you can do about grey hairs?

While many people wonder about what causes grey hair, there is no doubt that there are a lot of solutions to deal with greying. One of the main ways you can deal with it is quite obvious and cheap:hair dye or coloring.

While a lot of people find hair dye to be perfectly acceptable, hair dye is often very costly, especially if it’s high quality. Understand, hair dye is simply cosmetic. It will not permanently alter the color of your hair, and over time, from bathing, perspiration, and rubbing against fabrics, the hair dye will eventually wear out.

what-hair-color-is-best-for-my-skin-toneIf hair dye is not a preferred solution, you can also opt to try another more expensive solution. One of the most popular alternative methods is using melanin treatments. A lot of people with lighter complexions or lighter eye colors tend to use pigmentation treatments to change their skin color and eye color. After realizing how effective melanin treatments are in dealing with the aforementioned treatments, doctors and aestheticians have begun using melanin treatments on the hair follicles as well. Not only will the hair follicles themselves become darker, but they will also make the roots and their hair follicles darker as well.

This is a very effective treatment, but unfortunately, it has still been ineffective in some early trials. Also, aside from mixed results of melanin treatments, the treatments themselves can be very costly. For those with a little more willingness to spend cash on hair treatments, this is definitely a great solution, but for others, melanin treatments may simply be out of the question.

Thankfully, there are even more options for dealing with grey hair aside from melanin treatments and dyes. There are lot of nutrients that play major roles in maintain hair health and preventing premature greying. One of those nutrients is Folic Acid, commonly found in whole wheat bread.

This is a supplement that you should definitely consider adding to your hair care regimen. Also consider adding Vitamin B6 and antioxidants like Vitamins C and E.

When buying these supplements, ensure that you’re buying them from highly bioavailable sources. Oftentimes supplement manufacturers put out cheap supplements that will not be absorbed, so verify the rates of absorption before committing to a product.

Final thoughts

Regardless of the solutions you choose, be sure to keep an open mind and let us know which options worked for you. If you’d like to share your story regarding grey hair, let us know in the comments below! Also, be sure to share this article on social media if you think that friends and family will be interested in.




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6 Incredible Benefits of Bananas For Growing Hair Skin and Nails


Described affectionately by some as “pure energy” a banana has long been one of the most enjoyable fruits on the planet. Available in abundance today rather than being an exotic treat less than a century ago, the banana is one of the best sources of nutrition that our skin can get. It improves skin condition, skin quality and your general well-being – but it can also play a big part in improving your hair and your nails as well.

If you are somebody who bits their nails or finds that they shed more hair than the family dog, then you might want to look into adding more bananas to your diet for some of the reasons below;

  1. Bananas are loaded with thins like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. This helps keep your body in good shape and gives it the little extras that it needs to stay in quality working order!
  2. Additionally, if you are looking to use bananas for growing hair skin and nails you will be pleased to know it’s full of vitamins A,B,C & E. This means that your skin, nails and hair will be getting some of the most important “juice” they need to operate cleanly and effectively in the future
  3. Your body will benefit from the potassium in your body even more so because potassium helps to fight back against blood pressure problems. This will regulate your blood pressure quite effectively indeed, giving you a far more comfortable lifestyle in general
  4. Bananas will help to clear up skin problems that you may be suffering from, and the additional positive ingredients will help combat things like infections, cuts and spots all across your skin making you look healthier as well as feel better
  5. Your body will become far more regulated with regular banana eating – it helps to regular things like renal health, bowel movements and even helping you regulate your fluids better. This means that you will feel better, and when you feel better it’s going to make a big difference to your skin, your hair and your nails over time
  6. Your skin can be further helped by the fact it can fight back against allergies due to the benign amino acids. This means that any breakouts on your skin from allergies can easily be cleared up

The rich collection of vitamins and nutrients make bananas perfect for strengthening your hair, and ensuring that your skin & nails are in the best condition that they possibly can be. If your diet is a little lacking in the health side of things then one of the smartest things that you can do is add in bananas to your breakfast in the mornings.




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How to Get Shiny Hair

Proper care and good styling – that’s what your hair needs to be shiny again. In this article you will find some tips to get healthy, shiny hair – yes even you with weak & thin hair.

If you hair lost its shine and they feel rough, it means you didn’t care about them the way you should, but do not worry, we will fix your small mistakes.

3 Simple Tips for Beautiful Hair

Beautiful, Shiny Hair

  • After washing your hair, always rinse them with cool water – it will help your hair cuticles to close properly and you will enjoy shinier hair.
  • Avoid hot hair dryer – high temperature opens cuticles of your hair and damages its structure. Use towel instead, simply squeeze your hair gently with towel and let them dry in room temperature.
  • Do not overuse hair styling products,because it makes your hair heavier. They can make your hair look dull.

Finishing Styling Touch

To finish your hairdo use hair products to give your hair a bit of shine, it’s recommended to use hair sprays, especially if you have thin hair (do not use hair gels). Hair sprays will be the best choice – remember to not overuse it, less is better.

Solid Cleansing

Use shampoo which is made for your hair type and skin. Pour small portion of shampoo on your hand, add a bit of water and apply the shampoo on your hair. Massage your scalp and after all, rinse your hair gently, under cool water. Do not pull your hair, wet hair are easier to damage.

Hair Conditioning

It is important to use hair conditioner after each shampooing (even if you have healthy hair). Simply apply hair conditioner and leave it for a while on your hair before rinsing, so active ingredients will be able to penetrate your hair, nourish and strengthen your hair. You can wrap your head with towel, heat helps hair cosmetics to work better. Ingredients you should look for in conditioners: proteins of milk and honey, silk, ceramides and provitamin B5.

Safe Straightening

Before you will use hair straightener, use special hair products to protect your hair against high temperatures. Comb your hair, divide hair into easy manageable portions. Grab a portion of your hair and straighten your hair towards the end of your hair. Do not stop, to avoid hair creases. Try to not use hair straightener every single day, because even the best hair straighteners can damage your hair.


Source: How to Get Shiny Hair


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5 Vital Signs That Your Hair Needs a Trim

Reblogging tips to know when to trim your hair!

Natural Hair Treatment


In trying to grow our hair long, healthy and strong, one thing natural and relaxed girls share in common, is that many of us neglect, avoid, even feel faint at the idea of trimming our hair! Scissors happy girls must have something else going on because the rest of us?

Jk, jk! In the last 2 years, I have come to accept that trimming one’s ends is simply non-negotiable. I’m not going to give you a specific timeframe within which you MUST trim. I have committed to EXAMINING my hair every 3 months for a trim. Maybe I’ll get one. Maybe I’ll trim 2 inches or just ½. It depends on where my hair is at the time.

So, how do you know if your hair is at the point where you should trim? Here are 5 vital signs!

View original post 506 more words



Waiting on our hair to grow is like waiting for Beyonce to drop new music—torturous. Daily length checks are especially frustrating if your mane’s in a growth slump. Supplements, droplets, and “miracle” creams that help speed up the process exist, yes—but it’s also possible to naturally grow your hair without them.

Before we get into nature’s secrets, it’s important to note that everyone’s hair works differently. One person’s rapid hair growth routine may not work for you (thanks, genetics…not!). So while your healthy hair game maintenance may be A1, that doesn’t mean your mane’s length will be too. Keep in mind also that previous hair damage affects future hair growth, which means if your hair follicles are damaged from years of chemical treatment, the most you can do is nurse it back to health. What we’re saying is: Be patient with your mane, and it’ll reward you. Ahead, five things you can do now to get long locks later.


Sometimes you just have to let go and let grow. I’m talking low-manipulation hairstyles!  This is especially important for coarse, thick, and kinky hair textures, which are prone to dryness. Protective styles help maintain moisture and protects strands from pollution and damage. Stay out of your hair by wearing long-term protective styles like braids, twists, and weaves.


Healthy hair grows from root to tip, so be sure to nourish those ends. Trimming split or damaged ends will promote growth and keep your hair feeling and looking healthy.


Never skip conditioner. If your hair allows it, try adopting a no-poo regimen. The key to hair growth is moisture. You want to avoid dryness at all costs because dryness = breakage. Hydrate your strands with conditioner, rinse with cool water, and follow up with your favorite sealant oils or creams.


Stimulate growth by massaging your scalp with a diluted mixture of peppermint oil. Because of its high potency, it is advised to dilute peppermint oil with either water or oil. Peppermint oil stimulates blood circulation and increases oxygen supply, thereby allowing your roots to flourish. When mixed with a hair thickener like castor oil, the benefits are endless. Mix two or three drops of peppermint oil together with three ounces of castor oil and massage a small drops into your scalp.


Strong hair starts from within, so what you put in your body is utmost important. Eat nuts, oats, and brown rice to get biotin, and leafy greens and berries for iron. Something as simple as upping your intake of H2O can also majorly help with hair growth.

Source: 5 Ways to Grow Hair Naturally

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